How to care for a catheter after it is left in place

The following points should be noted in the post-catheterization care: 1. Keep the urethral orifice clean and disinfected twice a day; women should disinfect the entire vulva; men should flip the foreskin and thoroughly remove the foreskin scale between the inner plate of the foreskin and the head of the penis. 2. Drink more water or appropriate more intravenous rehydration according to the patient’s condition to ensure adequate urine volume. 3. The normal urine bag is usually replaced for no more than 24 hours, and the anti-reflux urine bag is replaced for no more than 1 week. 4.To be properly fixed, guide the patient to move in a way to avoid inadvertently pulling the urinary catheter causing it to come out and damage the urethra.

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