What to use for internal hemorrhoids

What medicine for internal hemorrhoids, can not be generalized, if there is no discomfort symptoms, you can first observe, you can also use local topical ma yinglong musk hemorrhoid cream, etc. If the discomfort symptoms, you can be treated for the different symptoms, such as Yunnan Baiyao, chemohemorrhoidal pills and acai jiao pills and so on. If the symptoms are not serious, you can use drugs under the guidance of the doctor for conservative treatment, such as internal hemorrhoids caused by the patient bleeding, you can use Yunnan Baiyao capsule, you can also take the hemorrhoid pill and locust angle pill and other drugs. If the patient’s pain is more obvious, oral ibuprofen for pain relief. If there is an infection, antibiotics are given under the guidance of the doctor for treatment, such as levofloxacin tablets, cefixime and so on. Patients with internal hemorrhoids, you can take a sitz bath with warm water every day after defecation or before going to bed, or sitz bath treatment with 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution, which helps to promote local blood circulation, promote venous return, and relieve the discomfort of internal hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoid patients usually need to pay attention to avoid eating spicy and irritating food, keep the stools unobstructed, after dietary control, medication, and more rest, most patients with internal hemorrhoids within 5-7 days of the symptoms under control, relieve the condition. If the internal hemorrhoid recurrence, or the condition is particularly serious, through the drug treatment can not be relieved, you can consider surgical treatment, such as hemorrhoidectomy, hemorrhoidal ligation, circumcision and other ways. Patients with internal hemorrhoids, accompanied by obvious symptoms of discomfort, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, comply with the doctor’s instructions for medication and standardized treatment, and actively cooperate to avoid delays in the condition.

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