The relationship between facial discoloration and the five organs

Facial pigmentation is related to the liver, spleen and kidneys of the five viscera, and the common causes include emotional disorders (unruly emotions), worry and irritation, deficiency of kidney yin, and dietary disorders, etc. The main cause is liver depression and stagnation of qi (poor qi and blood transportation of the liver, depression of qi and heat). 1. Liver: It is mainly due to emotional upset that leads to liver depression and stagnation of qi (poor qi and blood transportation of the liver and depression), and qi stagnation turns into heat and fumigates on the face, which can be manifested as dark brown spots and diffuse distribution, and there are also symptoms such as bitter taste in the mouth and dryness in the throat, irritability, and fullness in the chest and ribs (a collective term for the chest and ribs area). 2. Spleen: Spleen dampness is the main cause of the disease, which is associated with too much worry and uncontrolled diet, damaging the spleen and stomach, loss of spleen’s health and transportation, and internal dampness-heat, which leads to the disease. Facial pigmentation is often manifested in the form of dusty adherence and grayish-brown coloration, accompanied by symptoms of fatigue and weakness, excessive amount of leucorrhoea, and dullness (lack of appetite and reduced food intake) and drowsiness. 3. Kidney: Kidney deficiency is mostly considered, which is related to excessive sexual intercourse and insufficient kidney yin, etc. The main symptoms can be seen as brownish-black spots, dark face, dizziness, tinnitus, lumbar and knee soreness, insomnia and forgetfulness. To summarize, the appearance of facial pigmentation is closely related to the five organs, and it is recommended that patients go to the hospital in time to clarify the specific causes and cooperate with doctors to regulate the body.

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