How many raw garlic cloves are good to eat a day

How many raw garlic cloves a day is good depends on your own body condition. It is recommended that healthy adults eat about 2 cloves raw, 4 cloves cooked, and 2-3 times a week. Garlic itself is a pungent and stimulating food, which contains carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins, and various nutrients such as sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, as well as phytochemicals such as allicin, which is not a major source of nutrients due to limited consumption. In general, it is beneficial for healthy people to eat it to improve food flavor, promote appetite, inhibit intestinal pathogenic bacteria, fight cancer, prevent atherosclerosis, protect the liver, reduce blood viscosity and inhibit platelet aggregation. However, not all people can eat raw garlic. If you are allergic to garlic, you should avoid eating raw or cooked garlic to avoid triggering or aggravating allergy, which may cause serious symptoms such as rash, fever, laryngeal edema, respiratory difficulty, or even anaphylaxis. In addition, raw garlic is a highly stimulating food, so some special groups of people need to be careful to eat it to avoid discomfort or aggravation, specifically the following groups of people: 1, children, the elderly, pregnant women, need to be careful to eat; 2, suffering from non-bacterial enteritis, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, as well as the existence of abdominal pain, diarrhea and other discomfort, a large amount of eating raw garlic will stimulate the intestinal mucosa congestion, edema, resulting in gastrointestinal 3, some liver diseases such as hepatitis, garlic can not kill the hepatitis virus, on the contrary, some components of raw garlic have a stimulating effect on the stomach and intestines, which can inhibit the secretion of intestinal digestive juices and affect food digestion, thus aggravating the discomfort of hepatitis patients such as nausea and vomiting; 4, patients with eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataract, wheals, need to prohibit spicy food during treatment, raw garlic tastes pungent and is not conducive to treatment; 5, other patients with eye diseases such as glaucoma, cataract, wheals. Raw garlic is pungent and not conducive to treatment; 5. Other: raw garlic is also not recommended for yin deficiency and fire, oral diseases, etc. In addition, it is also important to avoid excessive consumption of raw garlic, as long-term or excessive consumption can easily kill probiotics in the intestinal tract, causing diarrhea, stomach pain and other discomforts, as well as damage the hemoglobin in red blood cells, which can easily induce gastritis, anemia and other diseases.

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