How to cure the inability to hold urine

Unable to hold urine need to decide the treatment according to the cause: 1, such as urinary tract infections lead to increased bladder sensitivity, urinary frequency, urinary urgency, unable to hold urine, then need to perform routine urine examination, clear infection, give antibiotics anti-infection treatment, infection can be held urine after cure; 2, neurogenic bladder caused by the bladder, that is, the bladder’s nerve sensitivity is too high, resulting in urine slightly retained after the urine can be urinated, unable to hold urine, it is recommended Give oral medication to relieve over-sensitivity of the bladder, such as tolterodine tartrate tablets for treatment; 3. In case of post-cystectomy and bladder tuberculosis, etc., resulting in reduced functional bladder capacity, it is recommended to perform cystoscopy or urodynamic examination to clarify bladder capacity and contraction of the detrusor muscle, etc., and give treatment such as anti-infection, anti-tuberculosis or bladder dilatation surgery.

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