What are the symptoms of a torn ankle ligament?

Ankle ligament rupture is mostly seen in ankle sprain, post-traumatic rupture of lateral collateral ligament and deltoid ligament, and the common symptoms include pain, swelling, and difficulty in movement. 1. Pain: Ankle ligament rupture is often accompanied by damage to the surrounding soft tissues, which can cause severe pain in the ankle joint, mostly stabbing pain. 2. Swelling: Sprain or trauma of ankle joint can cause local blood vessel injury and blood circulation restriction, resulting in swelling of ankle joint and subcutaneous petechiae may also appear. 3. Difficulty in activities: After the ligament around the ankle joint is ruptured, the normal activities of the ankle joint will be affected to a certain extent, and there can be difficulties in the activities of ankle flexion, extension and adduction. Walking after the injury can also be difficult because of the ruptured ankle ligaments. After trauma, symptoms such as ankle pain, swelling, and difficulty in movement are recommended to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

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