Why do you feel choked when drinking water?

Feeling choking when gulping water, clinically there may be the following diseases: First, reflux pharyngitis, due to the gastroesophageal acid reflux, resulting in the presence of chronic inflammatory irritation of the patient’s throat, the patient manifests as a foreign body sensation when swallowing, a feeling of choking when drinking water, or a feeling of foreign body sensation when drinking water. Generally, under the guidance of gastroenterologists, acid-suppressing drugs will be applied and the symptoms will be improved for a period of time; second, some patients have long tumors in the hypopharynx or esophagus, such as malignant tumors of the hypopharynx, malignant tumors of the esophagus, etc. Once the local tumors are long, the swallowing of the patient will be restricted and it will be more obvious when drinking water; third, some patients have chronic pharyngitis, and clinically, through the relevant However, the patient may have psychological effects and other factors together, resulting in a foreign body sensation in the throat, especially when the patient drinks water, which may be more obvious, and it is recommended to do an electronic laryngoscopy to exclude other diseases before considering pharyngeal foreign body disease. All in all, if a patient has a large gulp of water and feels choking, it is recommended that the patient go to ENT and Gastroenterology for a comprehensive and systematic examination.

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