What is the cause of coughing without phlegm in the morning and evening

Cough without sputum in the morning and evening may be related to air irritation, chronic pharyngitis, cough variant asthma and so on. 1. Air irritation: Dry indoor air and cold air in the morning and evening can cause dry cough. You can drink some warm water in the morning, pay attention to keep warm, and increase clothing appropriately. Do not be in the air pollution environment. Wear a mask when you go out. 2. Chronic pharyngitis: diffuse chronic inflammation of the pharynx, patients usually have pain, foreign body sensation and burning sensation. Often there are sticky secretions attached to the posterior wall of the pharynx, so that patients have frequent irritating cough, common in the early morning. Compound borax solution, furacilin solution, and compound chlorhexidine gargle solution are commonly used for gargling. Iodine throat tablets and peppermint throat tablets can also be taken. 3. Cough variant asthma: airway hyperresponsiveness caused by genetic and environmental factors, usually manifested as irritating dry cough at night or early in the morning. It is often treated with budesonide formoterol powder inhalation. Cough in the morning and evening without sputum can also be seen in other diseases, if the symptoms do not improve or aggravate, need to actively improve the relevant examinations in the hospital, to clarify the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor standardized treatment. Do not blindly use your own medicine.

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