The proper way to traction the cervical spine

One of the most commonly used methods of cervical traction is maxillo-occipital band traction.
Maxillo-occipital band traction is the patient to take the supine or sitting position, head forward curvature of about 15 degrees, to traction weight, the weight is generally 2~6kg, patients should take the principle of gradual, according to the type of cervical spondylosis and the condition of their own training, if it is the spinal cord type cervical spondylosis, it is not suitable for cervical spine traction treatment.
The general traction weight is two kilograms at the beginning, and if the traction force is relatively small or the patient has no obvious discomfort, it can be gradually increased for half an hour to one hour each time, and several times a day. If the patient’s posterior cervical muscle endurance is strong, traction can be continuous for 6 to 8 hours, two weeks for a course of treatment.
Cervical traction process should pay attention to the angle of the cervical spine, traction power, traction time, traction mode, etc., only in accordance with the correct way to achieve good results, if the operation is not appropriate, it may cause aggravation of the condition, it is recommended that, go to the hospital, under the guidance of the doctor treatment.

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