What’s with the dark green poop?

Dark green stools are mostly seen in newborns’ meconium, which is less common in adults, mainly caused by eating green leafy vegetables or certain medicines and gastrointestinal bleeding disorders.
1. Neonatal meconium: the digestive function of the newborn is not yet perfect, the lack of normal intestinal flora, in the short period of time after the birth of dark green stools is a normal phenomenon, with the digestion and absorption function of the newborn perfect, the color of feces will be slowly transitioned to normal color.
2. Influence of food and drugs: adults eat a lot of green leafy vegetables, intake of beverages or food containing gastrointestinal tract can not be degraded in the green dye and other factors will make the stool dark green; in addition to taking certain drugs, such as iron supplements, indomethacin and so on can also lead to this symptom.
3. Gastrointestinal bleeding disorders: suffering from Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer and other gastrointestinal disorders, also due to gastrointestinal mucosal bleeding, resulting in the appearance of dark green stools, or even black stools.
Patients with recurrent dark green stools need to visit the gastroenterology department of the hospital in time and follow the doctor’s instructions for examination and treatment.

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