The solution to a tight face

Tight face may be dry skin, hormone-dependent dermatitis, scleroderma, which can be treated by strengthening moisturizing and medication.
1. Dry skin: If the weather is dry, less drinking water will cause dry skin, you can drink more water, apply some moisturizing skin care products, such as petroleum jelly, vitamin E cream and so on.
2. Hormone-dependent dermatitis: Hormone abuse on the face can cause skin inflammation, manifested as thinning and drying of the skin, etc. Vaseline and urea ointment can be used to alleviate the symptoms, and tacrolimus ointment and pimecrolimus cream can be applied in severe cases.
3. Scleroderma: this is a connective tissue disease, mainly manifested as symmetrical skin hardening, can be oral cyclophosphamide, methotrexate and other immunosuppressants, but also oral prednisone, methylprednisolone and other glucocorticosteroid drugs.
Face tightness may have other reasons, should be timely consultation, clear causes, standardized treatment, the above drugs should be used in accordance with medical advice.

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