What are all the benefits of white radish

White radish is not a drug, does not have the efficacy and effect of drugs, but white radish contains nutrients such as a variety of vitamins, dietary fiber, folic acid, and minerals, has a certain nutritional value.
White radish is a kind of food, containing dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, B vitamins, folic acid, and calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and other minerals, which can replenish part of the nutrients needed by the human body, and has a certain nutritional value.
As white radish is rich in nutrients, it is suitable for most people. This product can be consumed in moderation and should not be consumed in excess. Food does not have the efficacy and effect of drugs, if there is a need for medication, should be used under the guidance of a physician, do not blindly use their own, so as to avoid medication is not the right delay in the condition.

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