What to do if you don’t get your period after IUD removal

If a woman does not have a period after the IUD is removed, first of all, for women who are sexually active, it is important to consider whether the absence of menstruation is caused by pregnancy and to buy test strips or go to the hospital to check the blood HCG to confirm whether the absence of menstruation is caused by pregnancy. IUD removal is an operation of the uterine cavity, and we are afraid that it may cause endometrial infection and endometrial adhesions, which may lead to non-menstruation. In this case, we need to go to the hospital gynecology department for ultrasound examination to confirm the cause of menopause, and if it is considered to be uterine adhesions, we must perform hysteroscopic surgery to separate the uterine cavity adhesions, and after the separation of adhesions, it is recommended that we should take Eusemide for three months to avoid re-adhesions.

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