What causes small red spots on the belly of pregnant women that do not itch

It is very common for pregnant women to have small red dots on their bellies that do not itch, without excessive tension may be due to the following reasons: 1, may be due to skin peeling, due to local skin dryness, will cause peeling long red dots, it is recommended that pregnant women do not immediately use drugs, you can choose to apply moisturizing cream to moisturize the local skin. 2, pregnant women in late pregnancy, with the growing uterus, the skin tissue of the abdomen will continue to hold open. This is a common pregnancy phenomenon that does not require special treatment. 3, pregnant women’s skin during pregnancy due to contact with unclean clothing, or eating food that is easy to allergic, but also easy to stimulate the skin resulting in the phenomenon of small red dots. If the red rash increases or other symptoms appear, seek prompt medical attention.

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