Yunnan Baiyao for anal bleeding?

Yunnan Baiyao is available in capsule or powder form and is generally used to treat anal bleeding, which may be caused by anal fissure, hemorrhoids and other conditions. Yunnan Baiyao has the ability to stop bleeding, relieve pain and reduce swelling. The drug can be used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids, anal fissure bleeding and other diseases. When using the powder should need to clean the wound before use, allergic people are prohibited to use. Yunnan Baiyao can only temporarily play a role in stopping bleeding, swelling, to be treated must also be to determine the cause of the treatment of the original disease. Anal fissure bleeding is usually due to the phenomenon of bleeding caused by dry and hard stools and tearing of the anal opening. Hemorrhoids are due to long-term constipation, resulting in varicose veins around the anus to form a vein mass, stool dry and hard easy to rupture bleeding. If the phenomenon of anal bleeding, you need to go to the hospital for further examination to clarify the cause of the disease, and then seek medical treatment in a timely manner. In daily life, you should keep the bowel movement, keep the skin around the anus clean, pay attention to rest, and appropriate exercise.

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