How long does it take to recover from dizziness from a head fall

Dizziness from a fall on the head usually recovers in about half a month to three months. If the dizziness after a head fall is diagnosed as a concussion, the dizziness usually recovers in about half a month. In the case of an intracranial brain contusion, recovery may take about a month for those who have a mild condition and are actively cooperating with their doctors. However, for patients with more serious conditions, the recovery time may take about three months or even longer. Therefore, the phenomenon of dizziness in head injury needs to be judged according to the condition, individual constitution, etc., so it is impossible to make a generalization. For people who suffer from dizziness in head fall injury, they should pay attention to bed rest in the near future, avoid strenuous exercise or engage in high-risk work to prevent accidents, so as not to further aggravate the condition and affect the recovery of the organism. It is recommended that people who suffer from dizziness after a head fall actively consult a doctor for examination in order to clarify the cause and then follow the doctor’s instructions for treatment, so as to avoid delaying the ideal time for treatment of the disease. During the recovery period, patients should pay attention to regular medical checkups in order to monitor the changes in their condition.

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