What is the fastest medicine for endplateitis?

Endplate inflammation, also known as vertebral endplate osteochondritis dissecans, does not have the fastest and best medication due to individual differences, and needs to be treated with different medications, surgeries, pain point closure injections, and hormonal epidural injections according to the patient’s condition. Commonly used drugs are neurotrophic, pain relief, anti-inflammatory agents to activate blood stasis and other drugs.
1.Drug treatment
(1) Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: such as aspirin, acetaminophen, etc., can effectively inhibit the stimulation of inflammatory factors and relieve pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.
(2) Nutritional nerve drugs: such as vitamin B, methylcobalamin, etc., can nourish peripheral nerves to relieve pain.
(3) Drugs to activate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis: such as sodium heptaphyllum saponin tablets, Guilong Tendon and Bone Capsules, and blood circulation capsules to promote local blood circulation.
2. Surgical treatment: discectomy, minimally invasive nucleus pulposus removal, etc. should be adopted after strict evaluation.
3. Pain point closure injection: local anesthetics, procaine or lidocaine, are injected under the lesion skin or tissue to anesthetize the nerve endings to relieve pain.
4. Hormonal epidural injections: Corticosteroid preparations, such as dexamethasone and betamethasone, are injected into the dura mater outside the vertebral body to relieve pain around the vertebral nerve roots. to reduce the inflammation around the vertebral nerve roots.
Once diagnosed with endlaminitis, it is necessary to go to the hospital in time, under the guidance of the doctor, choose the appropriate method of treatment, but do not blindly use drugs, the specific use of drugs should be in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

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