Benefits of drinking honey for men

Honey is a medicinal food. When honey is used as food, the benefits of drinking it for men include replenishing the body with nutrients such as carbohydrates and energy; when honey is used as herbal medicine, men can drink it to relieve symptoms such as coughing and constipation. As food, every 100g of honey contains 75.6g of carbohydrates, 1.9g of fat, and a certain amount of vitamin C, niacin, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients, and every 100g of honey can also provide 1362 kJ of energy. Drinking honey for men can provide energy and supplemental nutrients for the body’s activities and maintain normal physiological functions of the body. As a traditional Chinese medicine, honey has the efficacy of tonifying the middle and easing the pain (easing pain in the epigastrium and abdomen), moistening the lungs and relieving cough, moistening the intestines and laxatives, and can be used to treat weakness of the spleen and stomach, pain in the epigastrium and abdomen, dry cough caused by dryness of the lungs, prolonged cough in a deficient lung, and constipation due to dryness of the intestines. Due to the extremely high sugar content in honey, people with diabetes should avoid eating honey; if long-term excessive consumption of honey can easily cause excessive calorie intake, resulting in overweight or obesity, which is not conducive to health.

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