What’s wrong with your throat after drinking wine?

Wine contains alcohol, which can stimulate the mucous membrane of the throat and cause acute pharyngitis or aggravate chronic pharyngitis, so patients are advised not to take highly white wine or drink a large amount of wine at one time, which can induce throat discomfort at such times. If patients have throat discomfort after drinking wine, it is recommended that patients eat lightly, drink more warm water, and gargle with saline. If you vomit after drinking alcohol, stomach acid can stimulate the throat mucosa to aggravate the symptoms of laryngitis, and if there are hard substances in the stomach contents, it may scratch the mucosa and cause bleeding, swelling and other discomfort in the throat mucosa. If the patient has severe throat symptoms after drinking, with pain, hoarseness and breath-holding, it is recommended to seek medical treatment promptly.

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