How long does it take for a hematoma to return to normal after a kidney puncture

There is no accurate clinical data on how long it takes for hematoma to return to normal after renal puncture, which depends on the size of the hematoma and the patient’s recovery situation, etc. If the hematoma does not continue to grow, it will be absorbed by itself in about 1~2 weeks. If the hematoma does not continue to increase in size, it will be absorbed in about 1~2 weeks and return to normal; if the hematoma is relatively large, it will take about 1~2 months to return to normal, so it is not possible to make a generalization.
If the hematoma is relatively small, without clinical symptoms, and will not continue to increase in size, it may gradually absorb and return to normal in about 1~2 weeks; if it is a relatively large hematoma and is continuing to increase in size, it will take about 1~2 months to fully recover, but the exact time cannot be generalized.
If hematoma is found after renal puncture, it is recommended that the patient should go to regular hospitals in time and be treated under the guidance of doctors.

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