What to do with itchy red spots on hair follicles the day after shaving

Red spots on hair follicles the day after shaving, accompanied by itching, may be due to hair follicle infection, which can be relieved by topical medication, oral medication, and local cleansing care.
1. Topical medication: you can use iodine povidone to disinfect the area, and then apply fusidic acid, mupirocin ointment and other anti-infective treatment to reduce the itching symptoms.
2. Oral medication: If the effect of topical medication is not good, you can take oral amoxicillin, cefixime and other antibacterial drugs to control the infection.
3. Local cleaning care: keep local hygiene clean, avoid touching water too early, try not to scratch the hair follicles, so as not to aggravate the infection.
If the above symptoms continue to be unrelieved, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, under the guidance of the doctor’s treatment, the above drugs should be used in accordance with medical advice.

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