What’s wrong with farting after taking blood tonic Chinese medicine?

After eating the blood of the Chinese medicine old fart may be because of the blood of the Chinese medicine formula will generally be accompanied by qi drugs, these drugs have to help the spleen and stomach the role of transportation. Because Chinese medicine believes that the tangible blood can not be self-generated, born in the invisible qi, so the use of blood tonic medicine is often paired with qi tonic medicine with the use of. In addition, blood tonic drugs more greasy and viscous obstruction of the stomach, in order to prevent its impact on the function of the spleen and stomach, better play the role of blood tonic, often with Chen Pi, Hovenia, malt, Shen Qu and other Chinese medicine to move the qi to eliminate the application of Chinese medicine. Herbs that move qi and eliminate food can help the spleen and stomach to transport and transform, making farting more frequent and defecation smoother. After taking Chinese medicine, if only farting occurs, there is generally no need to worry, this is the performance of Chinese medicine to regulate gastrointestinal function. If abdominal pain, diarrhea and other discomforts occur after taking Chinese medicine, it is recommended to consult a doctor in time and follow the doctor’s instructions to take the medicine.

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