Precautions for the ninth week of pregnancy

  Nine weeks of pregnancy belongs to the scope of early pregnancy, you need to pay attention to diet, avoid sex, ensure the stability of the fetus, and develop good habits to ensure the health of pregnant women as well as the fetus: 1, pay attention to diet: generally the first trimester of pregnancy belongs to the risk period, due to the impact of hormone levels in the body of pregnant women, prone to nausea and vomiting. In the diet can be light, less greasy, eat less and more meals. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and forbid eating cold and cold food. Be cautious of hawthorn, cinnamon, crab, ginseng and other foods that can easily lead to miscarriage; 2. Avoid sex: the placenta has just started to form around nine weeks of pregnancy, the embryo and placenta are still in the developmental stage, the fetus is not too stable, at this time sex is more stimulating to the uterus and pelvis, which may lead to pre-eclampsia; 3. Ensure the stability of the fetus: it is recommended not to exercise strenuously, not to take random drugs, not to contact with rays and toxic substances 4, to develop good habits: quit smoking, quit drinking, keep the pubic hygiene clean, defecate on time every day, pay attention to proper rest, keep your mood relaxed, avoid anxiety, exertion and cold, and do regular pregnancy checkups.

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