What is the fastest way to treat weak spleen and stomach?

There is no such thing as the fastest way to treat a weak spleen and stomach. Generally speaking, patients can adjust their dietary habits or take medication under the guidance of a physician. 1. Adjusting dietary habits: patients with weak spleen and stomach should avoid over-eating spicy, greasy food to reduce the burden on the spleen and stomach, and try to eat light and easy to digest food as the main, but also can eat some of the role of the spleen and stomach with the role of tonic food, such as yam and so on, patients with weak spleen and stomach has a certain effect. 2. Taking medicines: Patients with weak spleen and stomach can also choose medicines for treatment, such as Sijunzi Pill and Spleen Enhancement Pill, among which Sijunzi Pill has the efficacy of benefiting qi and strengthening the spleen (regulating the qi of the spleen and stomach), and Spleen Enhancement Pill has the efficacy of strengthening the spleen and opening up the stomach (enhancing appetite by strengthening the spleen), both of which have certain therapeutic effects on patients with weak spleen and stomach. Both are effective in treating patients with weak spleen and stomach. Patients with weak spleen and stomach need to be treated under the guidance of a medical professional and should not take medication without authorization.

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