What should I do if my glans is a little red and itchy?

There are small red spots on the glans, a little itchy, commonly due to fungal infection of the glans, can be used externally with butyl terbinafine hydrochloride cream local application treatment; bacterial infections, can be treated with erythromycin ointment. The use of medication is in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.
Itchy red spots on the glans, generally seen in fungal infections and bacterial infections, fungal infections are the most common causative organisms are mold or Candida albicans. Dinkle terbinafine hydrochloride cream has a better therapeutic effect on glans caused by Candida albicans. If it is a bacterial infection, usually manifested as small red spots with localized swelling, it can be treated with topical erythromycin ointment.
Some patients may have a red rash and erythema on the surface of the glans, and blisters and pustules will also appear around the erythema, and local oozing will be formed after the blisters and pustules are ruptured. Patients can also be treated with topical ketoconazole, or miconazole ointment. You can also use 3% boric acid lotion for local cleaning, most patients will improve their symptoms.
The above medications should be used in accordance with the doctor’s instructions, and when similar symptoms occur, go to the hospital in a timely manner.

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