How to tell the difference between a psoriasis nail and a gray nail

Psoriasis nail and gray nail can be distinguished by the presence or absence of skin damage, whether it is infectious or not, and the performance of nail damage.
1. The presence or absence of skin damage: in addition to the typical nail damage, psoriasis patients will also be accompanied by psoriasis lesions on the extensor side of the limbs, lumbosacral area and other parts. Gray nails occur on the finger/toenails, and in severe cases, they can spread to the skin of both hands and feet.
2. Whether it is contagious: psoriasis nails are not contagious, while gray nails are caused by fungal infections and can be contagious.
3. Nail damage characteristics: psoriasis patients will appear on the nail such as thimble-like small depression, nails can appear thickening, longitudinal ridge, nail peeling and other phenomena; gray nails will appear nail color change, increased debris, thickening and other situations.
Patients who find changes in the nails, it is recommended that you can go to the hospital for examination to clarify the cause of the disease, under the guidance of the doctor to use medication to avoid delays in the condition.

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