What to do if you don’t get your period after a medical abortion with residuals?

If there is any residual tissue in the uterine cavity that does not result in menstruation, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for treatment, check the blood chorionic gonadotropin and ultrasound to check the size of the residual tissue in the uterine cavity, and then follow the doctor’s instructions to give medication and surgical treatment for removal of the uterus.
One of the side effects of medical abortion is that it may lead to residual embryonic tissues, if there are residual tissues in the uterine cavity, the tissues are relatively large is not able to have a normal menstrual period. Therefore, it is important to go to the hospital a few days after having a medical abortion for a checkup to see if the medication has cleared the abortion.
Under normal circumstances, menstruation will come one month after the medical abortion. If there are residuals after the abortion that do not come with menstruation, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to see a doctor, first of all, to draw blood to check the blood chorionic gonadotropin, and then to do ultrasound to understand the size of the residual tissues in the uterine cavity.
If the blood chorionic gonadotropin is abnormal and there is residual tissue in the uterine cavity by ultrasound, medication such as mifepristone, estradiol valerate, and progesterone can be assisted under the guidance of the doctor. After stopping the medication, the endometrium will be shed and the residual tissue can be discharged out of the body.
If there is still residual tissue, hysteroscopy can be done, and the residual embryonic tissue can be scraped off under the hysteroscope. It is recommended that patients seek timely medical treatment to avoid delaying treatment and causing serious consequences. For more information, please consult your doctor.

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