What to pay attention to in the diet of mammary gland hyperplasia

Breast enlargement should be treated actively. During the treatment period, attention should be paid to dietary care. First, patients can eat fresh fruits and vegetables, such as shiitake mushrooms, asparagus, carrots, tomatoes, etc. It is appropriate to eat foods with anti-breast cancer effects, such as oysters, seaweed, clams and other foods. Patients can also eat more coarse grains, such as corn, oats and other foods, as well as dried fruits such as watermelon seeds, pumpkin seeds and peanuts. Second, in the diet need to abstain from eating honey, meat, drinks, wine and fast food. Because honey contains hormones, meat contains a lot of calories and cholesterol, drinks contain xanthine can promote breast enlargement, wine has a certain degree of irritation, most of the fast food has food additives, these substances can contribute to the aggravation of breast enlargement, so you should not eat. Thirdly, it is best for patients to avoid eating stimulating foods, especially spicy, cold, seafood, etc. Such foods have certain disadvantages. So patients should not eat the best, especially not to eat too greasy things, appropriate to eat some coarse food, the patient’s body recovery will also be beneficial. Avoid overexertion, especially not always depressed, to do some appropriate activities, timely adjustment of their mindset is also very important. Women with breast enlargement must pay more attention in their daily life. In addition, they should also actively go to the hospital for relevant examination and treatment, and actively cooperate with the doctor’s treatment recommendations to reduce the damage caused by mastocytosis to the body.

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