Hidden pain in the stomach when sleeping at night, how to treat it

Sleeping at night with a vague pain in the stomach may be due to digestive diseases, improper diet, drug stimulation and other reasons, can be treated by taking pantoprazole, aluminum thioglycollate and other drugs, improve diet and other methods.
1. Digestive tract diseases: generally for the pain caused by duodenal ulcer, duodenal ulcer usually has the characteristics of rhythmic attacks, often at night and fasting, hunger, epigastric pain, which can be manifested as epigastric distension, hidden pain, and hunger-like discomfort, you can take acid-suppressing medications, mucosal protectants and other treatments, such as Pantoprazole, Thioglycol, and so on.
2. Improper diet: eating cold, greasy, spicy food at night, or overeating, drinking alcohol can lead to stomach pain at night, daily life should eat more warm, soft, light, easy to digest food, avoid spicy, stimulating food intake, avoid strong tea, coffee, alcohol, and other undesirable stimuli.
3. Drug stimulation: patients taking a certain drug, will stimulate the gastric mucosa, causing gastric mucosal damage, stomach spasm and pain, usually can be relieved after stopping the drug.
Sleeping at night with a vague pain in the stomach may also be other reasons, if the symptoms are serious, should go to the hospital in a timely manner, the above drugs under the guidance of a doctor, avoid self-medication, in order to avoid the occurrence of adverse reactions.

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