What are the best Chinese medicines for lowering triglycerides?

Currently, the best Chinese patent medicines commonly used in clinic for lowering triglycerides include Blood Lipids Kang Capsules, Dantian Lipid Lowering Pills, Danxiang Lipid Clearing Granules, and Gynostemma Gynostemma Total Glycoside Tablets. Hyperlipidemia refers to elevated levels of serum cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. 1. Blood Lipids Kang capsule can remove dampness and phlegm, activate blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis, strengthen the spleen and eliminate food, clinically it can treat hyperlipidemia, there may be gastrointestinal reactions, liver enzyme elevation and other adverse reactions, generally the symptoms are relatively mild. 2. Dantian Lipid Reducing Pill can reduce serum lipids, can improve microcirculation, activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, strengthen the spleen and tonify the kidney, and can be used to treat hyperlipidemia. Adverse effects are not known. 3. Danxiang Qinglipids Granules can activate blood circulation, remove blood stasis, promote qi circulation, used for hyperlipidemia belonging to the evidence of qi stagnation and blood stasis, individual patients may have nausea and other adverse reactions after taking it. 4. Gynostemma Total Glycosides Tablets can nourish the heart and strengthen the spleen, benefit the qi and blood, remove phlegm and eliminate blood stasis, lower blood lipids, used for hyperlipidemia. Adverse reactions are not clear. Triglyceride-lowering proprietary Chinese medicines are recommended to be used in a standardized and rational manner under the guidance of a professional doctor.

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