How long does it usually take to recover from insomnia

Insomnia is divided into short-term insomnia and long-term insomnia: 1. Short-term insomnia is caused by stressful events that occur within a short period of time, and patients feel stressed, emotionally tense, or mentally stimulated, such as when patients are preparing for exams, before interviews, or when family conflicts occur and quarrels with family members, short-term insomnia is likely to occur. After the removal of external factors, they can gradually return to normal within 1-2 weeks; 2. Long-term insomnia refers to insomnia time greater than at least 3 months, patients have long-term difficulty falling asleep, or early awakening, dreamy symptoms, but also combined with depression or anxiety, you need to go to a regular hospital, neurology or psychiatry, for regular anti-anxiety, anti-depression, sleep improvement treatment, it takes more than 6-9 months to slowly It takes more than 6-9 months to recover slowly.

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