How to take care of your intestines

Intestinal health maintenance way: 1, to ensure sleep, lack of sleep will make the intestinal tract burden; 2, reduce mental stress, to prevent dysbiosis, to ensure a good mood, to prevent intestinal overwork; 3, pay attention to balanced nutrition, avoid overeating and binge drinking, quit smoking and alcohol; 4, appropriate consumption of root foods, such as sweet potatoes, potatoes, carrots, soybeans, cereals, and more fruits and vegetables; 5, appropriate to take some intestinal beneficial bacteria preparations Such as bifidobacterium, etc. Do you know how to use probiotics? The intestinal micro-ecological balance and human health are closely related has been recognized, but the supplementation of micro-ecological preparations and the actual effect is not necessarily positively correlated, need to use reasonably. The storage temperature should be 2~8℃, and the temperature of water should be lower than 40℃, and it should not be used with antibiotics and astringent adsorbent. Unexplained chronic abdominal pain can be treated with cumin, etc. Continuous or periodic pain in the lower abdomen and around the umbilicus, and the cause cannot be identified, mostly due to Yang deficiency and cold condensation, can be warmed to disperse cold, try using cumin, or add pepper, dried ginger, mutton, angelica stew, often with miraculous results. Will damage the intestinal tract drugs: 1, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory analgesics: aspirin, cold pass, piroxicam (inflammation and pain Xikang), fenbufen, mefenamic acid, system epoxygenase. 2, hypoglycemic drugs: toluene sulfonylurea, phenelzine hydrochloride, lactic acid, metformin hydrochloride, acarbose. 3, antibacterial drugs: clindamycin, erythromycin, cefradine, cefoperazone sodium (pioneer must), fluconazole, omeprazole (Loxac). Frequent bowel cleansing is harmful: it destroys the intestinal environment, causes microecological disorders and leads to intestinal dysfunction. Destroy the protective layer of intestinal mucosa, leading to intestinal inflammation. Affect intestinal absorption, resulting in partial vitamin deficiency. Inhibits intestinal nerve reflex and intestinal peristalsis, causing difficulty in bowel movement. The large intestine is not there to be washed. If you do not need it for severe constipation and colonoscopy, please refuse it. Gut microbial changes can predict diabetes: Gut microbes have a much greater impact on people than we think. Swedish scientists in the journal Nature claim to have found changes in gut microbes in women with type 2 diabetes, and based on this finding future diabetes can be predicted based on this indicator, which is more predictive than the body mass index and waist circumference ratios now commonly used. Intestinal flora and inflammatory bowel disease: Experiments have shown that the gut does not become inflamed in the absence of bacteria. The concentration of bacteria in the stool of patients with inflammatory bowel disease is significantly higher than normal, with the dominance of Enterococcus and Enterobacter, conditionally pathogenic bacteria, over probiotics such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. Massive proliferation of pathogenic bacteria abnormally activates the intestinal immune system to over-immune response, which makes the intestine intolerant to bacteria and disrupts the mucus barrier and causes morbidity. Intestinal flora imbalance, a hundred diseases: human intestine hosts tens of trillions of bacteria, accounting for 1/3 of the dry weight of feces, divided into beneficial, harmful and neutral bacteria, the ratio of beneficial to harmful up to 10,000 times, the number of beneficial bacteria ratio accounted for, body health 70%, constipation 15%, and cancer only 10%. Flora balance can maintain normal nutrition, immunity, digestion, etc., once the imbalance is diarrhea constipation indigestion, and even obesity, cancer, immune function decline and many other diseases. Several purgative foods to restore gastric power and weight loss: 1, oats: contains soluble dietary fiber not available in other grains. 2, corn: can lower cholesterol and soften blood vessels. 3, onion: almost no fat, can inhibit the high fat diet-induced cholesterol elevation. 4, dates: can improve the body’s antioxidant and immunity, and lower cholesterol and triglycerides. 5, hawthorn: can lower blood cholesterol and promote fat metabolism. The human body has a second brain: the United States Columbia University Michael Gerson in the Scientific American article, said that the control of human and mammalian emotions, pentothal, dopamine and a variety of emotionally pleasant hormones, 95% is synthesized in the intestine, so the intestine called the human second brain. Emotions are largely influenced by the nerves in the gut, and the human experience of well-being depends on information transmitted from the gut to the brain. The human intestine does not need to be cleansed: Recently, many people have asked me whether there is any residual stool in the intestine and whether it needs to be cleansed. There is no such thing as old feces. 95% of people’s feces are completely excreted within 24 to 72 hours. The current bowel cleansing is actually an enema, which can assist in defecation, but it is impossible to cleanse the entire intestinal tract of feces. Long washings can cause side effects such as dysbiosis of the intestinal flora, decreased sensitivity of the intestine to fecal stimulation, and intestinal transmission holes. Interesting words about the intestine: the duodenum, small intestine, colon and rectum together is our intestine, the entire length is about 5 times the height, that is, 6-10 meters. The intestine has an area of 200 square meters when fully expanded, and it is this large area that satisfies the absorption of nutrients from food and the storage, transportation and elimination of waste. Most of us don’t live in a place this big, right? Alas, it’s really worse than shit. Liu recently very depressed, since half a year ago got a disease called “perianal abscess”, slowly can not defecate, the whole day the stomach bloated. The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things. After questioning, it turned out that he used antibiotics for more than a month after he got sick, first as an infusion and then orally. Fecal formation and intestinal peristalsis require the help of beneficial bacteria, and excessive use of antibiotics has led to dysbiosis of the intestinal flora.

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