Can you have sex with prostatitis

Whether or not prostatitis can have sex needs to be decided according to the type of disease. Acute bacterial prostatitis patients are not allowed to have sex; chronic prostatitis patients can maintain a regular sex life. Acute prostatitis is usually caused by bacterial infections, and the bacteria will infect each other when having sex, so it is recommended that patients with acute prostatitis should not have sex during the treatment period. Irregular sex life and interruptions during intercourse can induce chronic prostatitis. For these patients, they can have sex appropriately, but sex life should be regular. Prostatitis patients should not sit for a long time, ride a bicycle, etc. These actions will press the perineum to make the prostate gland congested. Normally, you should do appropriate sports to improve immunity, and follow the doctor’s instructions to go to the hospital regularly for follow-up, and when other abnormalities occur, you should inform the doctor in time to avoid adverse effects.

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