What are the signs of relapse in schizophrenia?

  Schizophrenia patients generally have the following expressions before relapse: 1. Patients’ expressions change: In remission or recovery, patients’ facial expressions are more natural, their eyes are more flexible, and others can see changes in their facial expressions of normal joy, anger, sadness and happiness. And the change of expression can reflect the corresponding emotion of their heart. When the disease is about to be committed, the patient often shows dull gaze, straight eyes, etc.  2. Changes in attitude toward people around them: Generally speaking, during the recovery and remission periods, patients with schizophrenia get along well with their families, colleagues, friends and other people with whom they have contact, talk naturally, answer questions that are relevant, and make people feel that there is no barrier to interacting with them. If the patient suddenly becomes withdrawn, does not get along with others, does not interact with others, is alone in a corner, and is deep in thought, or has a rude attitude towards others, is irritable and irritable, and is unwilling to communicate and exchange with others normally, then there is a possibility of the disease.

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