What to do when disposable chopsticks get stuck in your flesh

Disposable chopsticks stuck in the flesh need to promptly remove the piercing object, clean and disinfect the wound, the use of mupirocin ointment medication, if necessary, timely medical treatment.
Disposable chopsticks into the skin muscle, belong to a foreign body, may cause obvious foreign body sensation, pain, and even local infection, need to timely remove the piercing object, to avoid residual in the tissue, and then use iodine povidone to clean and disinfect the wound, follow the doctor’s advice to use erythromycin or mupirocin ointment to prevent infection, but if it is difficult to take out, the wound pus when the need to seek medical treatment in a timely manner.
During the recovery period, you need to keep the wound clean and dry, avoid water, reduce the friction of the skin in the affected area, avoid re-injury, bleeding, and promote the wound to heal and recover as soon as possible.
Therefore, disposable chopsticks into the tissue is a must need to remove, otherwise the wound healing may also have a persistent foreign body sensation, re-infection, etc., if necessary, you can seek medical help.

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