Can mulberry wine tonic kidney

Mulberry is correctly written as mulberry, mulberry wine can play a certain role in nourishing kidney yin. But the specific use needs to be under the guidance of a physician.
Mulberry is sweet, sour and cold in nature; it belongs to the heart, liver and kidney meridians. It has the effect of nourishing yin and tonifying blood (nourishing the blood in the body), generating fluids and moistening the intestines. It can be used to treat dizziness and tinnitus, premature whitening of hair, blood deficiency and menstrual occlusion, thirst, internal heat and thirst (internal heat accompanied by eating, drinking and urinating), and intestinal dryness and constipation.
Mulberry wine can play the above role, therefore, mulberry wine can play a certain role in nourishing kidney yin.
Do not take mulberry if you have a weak and cold spleen or stomach (spleen and stomach weak and cold), or if you have diarrhea and loose stools (thin and unformed stools).
If you need to use mulberry wine, it is recommended to use it under the guidance of a professional doctor.

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