What is the best water to wash hemorrhoids with

Hemorrhoids can usually be cleaned with warm potassium permanganate water, avoiding the use of cool water as much as possible.
Hemorrhoid patients take potassium permanganate warm water for cleaning, can promote blood circulation, and keep the anal area skin clean, to prevent bacterial fungal infection. When taking potassium permanganate warm water sitz bath, it should be noted that the concentration of potassium permanganate should not be too high, the concentration is usually 1:5000 (volume fraction), so as not to cause mucosal tissue damage, causing discomfort symptoms.
Hemorrhoids usually present with symptoms such as blood in the stool and pain. Hemorrhoidal patients can use hemorrhoidal suppositories, hemorrhoidal capsules and other drugs under the guidance of the doctor to treat the more serious condition can be treated with medication, the effect is not obvious, can also be taken thrombosed hemorrhoidal stripping, mixed hemorrhoids peeling internal ligation, hemorrhoids on the mucous membrane pinning and other surgical methods to treat.
In daily life, should pay attention to rest, appropriate exercise, keep the anal local skin clean. If there is any discomfort, you should seek medical treatment in time.

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