What to do about milky-white leukorrhea

Milky white leukorrhea need to identify the cause, may be physiological, may also be pathological. Physiological generally do not need special treatment, pathological factors such as bacterial vaginosis, mycosis vaginalis, etc., need to be given under the guidance of the doctor medication, such as metronidazole, clotrimazole suppositories and so on.
1. Physiological: normal leukorrhea is colorless and transparent or milky white, if the amount of leukorrhea is not much and there is no other abnormal symptoms such as odor, it is mainly considered as normal physiological leukorrhea, and generally do not need special treatment.
2. Pathologic:
(1) female patients with mycosis vaginalis mainly manifested as obvious vulvar itching, increased vaginal discharge, such as white thick, curd-like or tofu slag-like. Some patients have some uncomfortable symptoms such as burning pain in the vulva and pain during sexual intercourse. Simple mycotic vaginitis is mainly used externally with clotrimazole suppositories or orally with fluconazole and so on.
(2) Bacterial vaginosis is mainly manifested as leukorrhea with fishy odor, grayish white, uniform and thin, which may be accompanied by mild vulvar itching or burning sensation, and the symptoms are aggravated after sexual intercourse. The treatment is mostly anti-anaerobic drugs, mainly metronidazole, tinidazole and so on.
Milky white leukorrhea, do not rule out other factors caused by, if you exclude physiological reasons, you should consult a doctor in a timely manner, given by the doctor targeted treatment, do not blindly self-medication.

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