What’s wrong with the itchy urethra of little girls

What is the itchy urethra of little girls? Little girl’s itchy urethra is definitely related to local uncleanliness and unhygienic, such as vulvodynia, unclean vulva, if little girl’s underwear can’t be washed diligently or underwear is washed together with adult’s, and if adult has had a UTI infection, maybe adult’s resistance is strong and won’t have any symptoms, while little girl will have symptoms because her urethra is relatively short and her resistance is low. Then the itchy urethra is mainly caused by infection, such as infection with bacteria, trichomonas or mold, so if a little girl has an itchy urethra, make sure to see if her vulva is red and if there is discharge. If there is, you must pay attention to local hygiene, and then go to the hospital to do the culture and drug sensitivity of the discharge, or urine culture and drug sensitivity, according to the sensitive results of the right medicine to cure.

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