Trapezius pain of neck pain

In the past, cervical spondylosis is often the patent of people after 40 years old, but now 20 to 30 years old cervical spondylosis patients are everywhere, and there are even elementary school students with cervical spondylosis! The reason for this is that people are now ambulatory for a long time, the pressure is high, and they do not know how to adjust, so cervical spondylosis in advance to visit. In fact, many of the “cervical spondylosis” of the student era is not really cervical spine damage, there will be a lot of tension in the trapezius muscle of the neck and shoulders, if you put your hands on their shoulders, you will find that the muscles under the hands will be very stiff. The trapezius muscle covers a large area of the back of the neck and has multiple functions. It is an important muscle not only in the back of the neck, but also in the shoulders and back. Problems with the trapezius muscle can cause a variety of pain and discomfort. Because it is the most superficial muscle in the shoulder, it can be significantly relieved by manipulation, but for most people (especially those who are head down), it is under constant tension. Basic anatomy of the trapezius muscle. Superior trapezius: medial Cervical 1-5 spinous process, inner quarter of upper collar line, collar ligament lateral External 1/3 of clavicle Function: Scapular lift, superior gyration. Middle trapezius: medial 6th cervical – 3rd thoracic spine and ligaments lateral Scapular crest and upper part of scapular gland Function: internal retraction of scapula Inferior trapezius muscle: medial The spinous processes and ligaments of the 4-12th thoracic vertebrae lateral The medial end of the scapular gland. Function: descent of the scapula, superior gyration. Distal fixation: unilateral contraction, head flexion and contralateral rotation to the same side, bilateral contraction, head tilt back, assists in spinal extension. Innervation: paraspinal (fasciologically speaking the trapezius and deltoid are one muscle, both have three parts, and the three stops of the trapezius are the starting point of the deltoid.) Characteristics: 1. Large area: It is the largest and most superficial muscle covering the shoulder, neck and back of the neck. 2, easy to damage: because the radius of the trapezius is the largest when the neck is flexed, thus the superficial fascia is easily damaged, and most people have problems with trapezius injury. 3, easy to treat: the trapezius muscle is located under the skin, the location is relatively superficial, easy to release the fascia of the trapezius muscle by manipulation to relieve its symptoms. Why is the trapezius muscle easily tense: 1, due to a long time of bad posture, such as many people’s head and neck tend to tilt forward. Make the front and side of the neck to maintain the stability of the muscles shortened, can not properly maintain the stability of the neck. And this time the posterior side of the erector spinae, pinch muscles, and semispinalis need to do more work to maintain the stability of the back side of the head and neck to prevent excessive forward lead. The superior trapezius muscle stops at the outermost part of the clavicle, so it is easier to maintain the lateral stability of the head and neck. However, the upper trapezius belongs to the body surface muscles, with many functions and white muscle fibers, which are suitable for fast movements and quick recruitment, with poor endurance, and not suitable for long-term stabilization. So round shoulders hunchback head leading patients tend to have high tension on the upper trapezius muscle, which is why modern people work long hours of ambulation on the upper trapezius muscle most acidic reasons. 2, breathing factors Many people’s breathing patterns favor chest breathing, especially women. When inhaling due to the weakening of the diaphragm, changes in the position of the pelvis, insufficient opening and closing of the ribs, no good abdominal pressure and a series of other reasons, resulting in excessive contraction of the oblique, oblique and sternocleidomastoid muscles, so that the scapulae are lifted, or trying to help open the thorax. This causes the upper trapezius muscle to contract frequently and become tense. In fact, people with problematic breathing patterns often have abnormal tension in the muscles around the neck. 3, tight neck flexors Modern people are often in a low state, when using a computer, when reading a book, when playing with a cell phone ….. Time has led to relative tension in the muscles on the front side of the neck that have the function of head and neck forward flexion, such as the front and middle oblique muscles, the front of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. One of the main functions of the trapezius muscle is to straighten the head and neck, so it is in a state of confrontation with the cervical flexors for a long time, causing tension. Symptoms of oblique muscle injury: head, neck, back of the neck soreness or sinking tightness and other discomfort, may be accompanied by headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred eyes and other symptoms; neck function has different degrees of restriction, especially can not bend to the healthy side. In severe cases, head bowing, shoulder shrugging and neck rotation activities are all impaired. Treatment and prevention: There are many techniques that can effectively loosen the trapezius muscle, including massage, compression and kneading, stretching, myalgia points, fascial release, cupping, acupuncture, etc. However, since the trapezius muscle is the most superficial muscle, it is also easy to be tense again. Therefore, in order to make the trapezius muscle less tense, what we need most is to have the correct posture as well as the correct way of breathing (avoid compensatory breathing).

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