When is the right time to operate on hemorrhoids

Surgery is more appropriate when hemorrhoids cannot be controlled by conservative treatment, short-term recurrence, hemorrhoids with anemia and hemorrhagic shock. Hemorrhoids after conservative treatment is no way to control the condition, gradually aggravated when considering surgical treatment, such as external hemorrhoidectomy, external hemorrhoid stripping ligation, hemorrhoidectomy anastomosis, internal hemorrhoidectomy ligation and other ways. Hemorrhoids recurrence will affect the patient’s quality of life, there is blood in defecation, anal pain, defecation difficulties, and even induced perianal soft tissue infection, in order to reduce the recurrence of hemorrhoids, it is recommended to go to the hospital through surgical treatment. Hemorrhoids are due to the formation of rectal and anal canal varicose vein mass, repeated episodes of formation of thrombus embolus, constipation episodes or eating irritating, spicy food, will lead to local symptoms aggravation, hemorrhoids surface mucous membrane rupture, repeated bleeding will induce anemia occurs, hemorrhage caused by hemorrhagic shock and so on, these cases are recommended surgical treatment. Once the hemorrhoids are found and accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms, it is recommended to go to the hospital in a timely manner, in accordance with the doctor’s advice to give the appropriate treatment program, to avoid aggravation of the condition.

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