What should I do if I get yam on my itchy skin?

Yam stained skin itching, is due to the yam contains low toxicity of toxic alkaloids, can cause irritant contact dermatitis, you can use glycerine lotion, glucocorticoid ointment, and antihistamines to relieve the symptoms, serious need oral glucocorticoids. If the phenomenon of itchy skin occurs after contact with yam, you can use water to rinse, wash away the residual juice on the skin, etc., generally can be relieved on their own. When the itching is obvious, you can use topical glycerine lotion or glucocorticoid cream, or you can orally use antihistamines such as loratadine and cetirizine. Wider range, when the symptoms are serious need oral glucocorticosteroids In addition, gloves should be worn when handling yam on a regular basis to avoid direct contact with the skin. If the itchy skin after contact with yam is severe, go to the hospital in time for examination, the use of the above drugs should follow the doctor’s instructions.

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