Human joint structure and function

  Joints are the joints of the frame, the hubs of movement. Muscles are the driving force of movement.
  Classification of joint movement types.
  1.Immobile joints (cranial)
  2.Microkinetic joints (intervertebral disc, pubic symphysis)
  3.Moving joints (synovial joints)
  I. Classification of the characteristics of connective tissue connected between bones.
  Ligamentous joints (forearm interosseous membrane)
  Fibrous joints (cranial sagittal suture, cranial coronal suture)
  hyaline cartilage union (pterygo-occipital union)
  Osseous union (cranial suture, between sacral bodies)
  Second, the role of joint capsule and ligaments.
  1.Maintain the integrity of the joint
  2, to ensure the stability of the joint
  Third, articular cartilage.
Cushioning stress.
  Fourth, the synovial membrane and synovial fluid role: 1.
  1, nutrition of joint cartilage, joint discs, etc.
  2, joint movement as a lubricating effect
  V. Articular discs.
Located between the two joints of the fibrocartilage plate, the shape varies, including garden, triangular, half-moon, etc.. Collagen fibers are arranged in a circular pattern to resist loading.
  1, adjust the joint surface, like a gasket to fill the joint space, so that the joint is more suitable to maintain the stability of the joint. And bear the load, reduce the impact, cushion shock.
  2, the joint cavity into two, so that the two cavities can produce different movements, increasing the form and range of motion.
  VI. Intervertebral disc.
Composed of fibrous ring, nucleus pulposus, cartilage plate.
  1, to resist the load in the direction of the long axis, like a spring cushion cushion shock.
  2, increase the range of motion of the spine as well as maintaining the integrity of the intervertebral joints coordinated to ensure the stability of the spine.

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