Which is more effective, lactulose or tetrapod?

Lactulose Oral Liquid and Si Mu Tang Oral Liquid do not have a better effect, in the treatment of constipation, the two can be used in conjunction with each other. Lactulose oral solution belongs to a kind of western medicine, in the clinical mainly for functional constipation, as well as the prevention and treatment of hepatic encephalopathy. Si Mu Tang Oral Liquid is a kind of proprietary Chinese medicine, the main ingredients of which are Mu Xiang, Citrus aurantium, betel nut and Wu Yao. It can be used clinically to smooth the flow of qi and reduce the rebelliousness, eliminate stagnation and relieve pain (eliminate stagnation and relieve pain), and is mainly used for the middle-aged and the elderly with symptoms such as fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen, abdominal pain, and constipation caused by the stagnation of qi and accumulation of food (food stagnation and accumulation of food in the stomach due to indigestion). In addition, Si Mu Tang Oral Liquid can also be used to promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function after abdominal surgery. For constipation caused by qi stagnation and food accumulation, etc., both can play a therapeutic role, but it is difficult to compare which one is more effective and can be used in combination. Adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea may occur after taking large doses of lactulose at the beginning of treatment. In addition, intestinal obstruction, appendicitis, unexplained abdominal pain and fructose intolerance can not be used lactulose oral solution. And Si Mu Tang Oral Liquid is prohibited for pregnant women, intestinal obstruction, intestinal tumors, and postoperative digestive tract. However, it should be noted that the drug should be used under the guidance of a physician, not blindly self-medication.

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