What does it mean to be rhd positive in pregnancy

Positive RHD in pregnant women refers to the blood type, and it is normal to have both negative and positive RHD blood types. It is only in China that most of the positive people are positive and the negative ones are very rare, because they are very rare, they are called panda blood. If a pregnant woman’s RHD blood type is positive, don’t worry, the baby born will not have neonatal hemolytic disease. However, if the pregnant woman is negative for RHD, if the first baby is positive for RHD, hemolysis will not occur and the mother will only produce an antibody. When the second baby is born, the antibodies in the mother’s body will enter the baby through the placenta and neonatal hemolytic disease will occur. Therefore, in addition to the ABO blood type test, pregnant women will also be required to test for RH blood type, in order to prevent the occurrence of hemolytic disease in newborns and to prevent hemorrhage during delivery or caesarean section, as well as to respond in advance if the newborn has abnormalities.

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