Drink a little white wine every day in moderation, is it good for the body or not?

As the saying goes, “a small drink is good for the soul, but a big drunk hurts the body”. It is clear that drinking a little bit of liquor every day in moderation is good for the body, but too much is harmful to the body. Wine culture in China has a long history of thousands of years, and has endured, naturally it has its reason for existence. Today we will summarize what are the benefits of drinking a small amount of alcohol every day to the body: a. Drinking alcohol can stimulate the brain intelligence. Wine can increase the level of beneficial cholesterol in the body, thus allowing blood to flow more smoothly to the brain, making the brain smarter, which is why some people, after drinking, have better thinking skills. Second, it can reduce the occurrence of tumors. Wine can inhibit the growth of breast cancer cells by blocking the growth effect of estrogen. This will reduce the appearance of breast cancer. Third, the heart function has a protective effect, through the study confirmed that moderate drinking can greatly reduce the mortality rate caused by cardiovascular disease (between 25% and 40%), for the prevention of heart disease, stroke, etc. have a certain effect. Fourth, can reduce diabetes, especially for women, alcohol can stimulate the body to produce insulin, thus preventing the sudden increase in blood sugar caused by type 2 diabetes. V. Benefit longevity, moderate drinking groups compared to non-drinking groups live longer, which has been proven by many examples. Sixth, can reduce harmful cholesterol, wine can reduce harmful cholesterol, prevent blood clots, thereby reducing the prevalence of coronary heart disease. Seven, can prevent the occurrence of gallstones, one of the main components of gallstones is cholesterol, drinking alcohol can reduce harmful cholesterol, thereby preventing the production of gallstones. Although drinking alcohol is good, but not alcohol, if a long period of excessive drinking will not only cause alcoholic liver and alcoholic liver-induced cirrhosis, but also increase the risk of repetitive cardiovascular disease, hypertension, diabetes, hyperuricemia and other metabolic diseases, as well as seven types of malignant tumors.

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