How asthma is treated and treated with food

  Pediatric asthma is a recurrent allergic disease that causes pain and anxiety for the child and panic for the parents with each attack. The number of asthma attacks can be avoided and reduced if active preventive measures are taken against asthma. According to the survey, the recurrence rate of pediatric asthma in winter is up to 70% or more, which not only increases the physical and mental suffering of children, serious cases can be life-threatening, therefore, in order to prevent the recurrence of pediatric asthma, in the cold season to do five taboos.
  1, avoid contact with cold air: cold air can stimulate the respiratory mucosa receptors, resulting in abnormal impulses and tracheal spasm, triggering pediatric asthma, so in the winter season, the children in addition to pay attention to strengthen warmth and add clothes in a timely manner, but also try to avoid contact with strong cold air.
  2, avoid passive smoking: passive smoking can constitute chronic damage to the trachea, thus forming a highly reactive state and triggering pediatric asthma, so parents of children with asthma in winter should absolutely avoid smoking.
  3, avoid contact with allergens: pediatric asthma caution wearing animal fur, caution eating shrimp and crab seafood, caution using aspirin and sodium salicylate and other allergenic drugs. Avoid contact with pollen, it is best not to take the child to the garden, flowerwood excursions, so as not to contact allergens and cause asthma attacks.
  4, avoid upper respiratory tract infection: repeated respiratory tract infections caused by “airway hyper-reactive state” is the basic mechanism of asthma, but also constitute the main factor of recurrence, so the prevention of upper respiratory tract infection in winter is the key to reduce the recurrence of asthma.
  5, avoid strenuous activities and emotional excitement: because of strenuous activities and emotional excitement can cause β receptor sensitivity to decrease, relative to α receptor sensitivity increased, thus triggering bronchial asthma. In addition, too strenuous exercise can also cause reflex tracheospasm due to hyperventilation, so do not let pediatric asthma patients run or shout vigorously in winter to avoid triggering asthma attacks.
  The most common cause of bronchial asthma, in addition to some physical and chemical factors, is respiratory infection in children, which is mainly a viral infection. Prevention and treatment of this disease should pay attention to diet, first of all, you should choose to take the food to supplement the lung, strengthen the spleen and cultivate the kidney, such as almonds, walnuts, Luo Han Guo, tofu, Chinese wolfberry, Poria, animal lung, spleen and pancreas. In addition, the diet should be light. Choose foods containing high quality protein such as lean pork, eggs, beans, etc. Eat more vegetables and fruits containing vitamins such as fresh cabbage, chard, radish, tomatoes, yam, lotus seeds, oranges, egg yolk, cream, etc. to repair the alveoli damaged by asthma and to improve the resistance of children to the disease. The following sample recipes to combat this disease are provided for reference.
  Walnut and almond soup
  Ingredients: 25 grams of walnuts, 10 grams of almonds, 10 grams of ginger, and the right amount of honey.
  Method: Pound the walnuts and almonds; wash and slice the ginger. Pot on the fire, add a bowl of water, put walnuts, almonds, ginger, boil over high heat, add honey, and then change the fire to simmer for 10 minutes, can.
  Function: Warm the kidneys and calm asthma, moisten the lungs and stop cough. This meal with walnuts, has a kidney, strong waist, sperm and stopping, warm lungs and asthma; almonds, moisten the lungs and expectorant, cough and asthma, laxative. This soup can be used to supplement the treatment of children with chronic asthma, weakness and shortness of breath and wheezing.
  Boiled eggs with tea
  Ingredients: 2 eggs, 15 grams of green tea.
  Preparation: egg, wash, put the egg into a pot, add green tea and water 400 ml, cook with a gentle fire, remove the shell after the egg is cooked and simmer again, until the water is dry take the egg and eat.
  Function: Clearing the lungs and resolving phlegm, stopping coughing and calming asthma. This dish uses eggs to nourish the heart and tranquilize the mind, nourish blood and nourish yin, and clear heat and detoxify the body; tea leaves to generate body fluid and quench thirst, remove dampness and clear heat. This dish has the effect of clearing lung, resolving phlegm, stopping cough and calming asthma, which is suitable for bronchitis cough and bronchial asthma.
  Job’s Tears Almond Dew
  Ingredients: 15 grams of coix seeds, 5 grams of almonds, a little rock sugar.
  Method: Wash the coix seeds; almonds, remove the skin, tip, wash; sugar, mash. Put the coix seeds into a pot, add water, boil it with the fire, then turn to the fire and cook it until half-cooked, put in the almonds, continue to cook with the fire, add rock sugar, dissolve it into a dew.
  Function: moisten the lungs to stop asthma, strengthen the spleen and resolve phlegm. This meal uses coix seeds to clear heat and strengthen the spleen; almonds to moisten the lung and dispel phlegm, stop coughing and calm asthma. This dew is suitable for children with deficiency of lung and spleen qi cough.
  Tomato and tofu soup
  Ingredients: 200 grams of tofu, 1 tomato, a little salad oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, wet starch in appropriate amounts.
  Method: tomatoes, scalded with boiling water, peeled, cut into dice; tofu, boiling water blanching, cut into dice. Put oil in the pot, burn to 40% heat, stir-fry tomatoes, add a little water, boil and add tofu dice, stew for 6 minutes, add salt, monosodium glutamate, thicken with wet starch, can be potted.
  Function: Clearing heat and moistening the lungs, stopping cough and calming asthma. This meal with tofu, rich in protein, calcium, iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, etc., can produce fluid and moisten dryness, clear heat and detoxification, the main treatment of lung heat cough, asthma. Tomatoes, rich in carotene and vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, etc., can strengthen the stomach and quench thirst. This dish is suitable for pediatric bronchial asthma.
  Water chestnut and pork lung soup
  Ingredients: 75 grams of white radish, 20 grams of water chestnuts, 150 grams of pig lung, 5 grams of green onion, salt, and a little monosodium glutamate.
  Method: white radish, wash and slice; water chestnut, wash, peel and slice; pig lung, wash and slice. Put the casserole on the fire, put the white radish, water chestnuts, pig lung slices, pour in an appropriate amount of water, stew with a gentle fire until cooked, add salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, can be potted.
  Function: Clearing heat and resolving phlegm, generating fluid and calming asthma. This meal with radish, containing glucose, fructose, a variety of amino acids, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, etc., has the effect of eliminating food and resolving phlegm, clearing heat and detoxification; water chestnut, containing starch, protein, a variety of vitamins and iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., has the effect of clearing heat and generating fluid, resolving phlegm; pig lung, lung and cough. This soup is suitable for children with fever and croup.
  All of the above foods should be consumed when infants and children are not allergic.

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