What is the cause of high uric acid in humans

“The possible causes of high uric acid in humans are as follows: I. Most commonly in patients with hyperuricemia. Patients with hyperuricemia have elevated uric acid due to excessive production or excretion of uric acid in the body. Primary hyperuricemia is most commonly seen in gout patients, due to reduced glomerular filtration rate, increased renal tubular reabsorption and reduced renal tubular secretion in gout patients, resulting in reduced uric acid excretion, causing elevated uric acid; ii. Excessive uric acid production. Commonly seen in patients with hematological tumors after chemotherapy, or patients with hypermetabolic diseases; Third, increased uric acid is also seen in patients with high purine diet, due to excessive intake of seafood, animal offal and high purine diet, there will be an increase in uric acid and increased uric acid metabolism phenomenon.”

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