Should I take salt with or without iodine for hypothyroidism?

Patients with hypothyroidism need to clarify the cause of the disease, for example, hypothyroidism caused by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can eat iodized salt, and hypothyroidism caused by iodine overdose needs to avoid eating iodized salt.
There are many causes of hypothyroidism, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, total thyroidectomy, and hyperthyroidism after iodine 131 treatment. Iodine and thyroid function are closely related, iodine is the raw material for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, and excessive iodine may also aggravate hypothyroidism.
Patients with hypothyroidism need to decide whether to iodize salt according to the cause of the disease, such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis caused by hypothyroidism can eat iodized salt, patients can eat iodized salt after total thyroidectomy, iodine excess caused by hypothyroidism need to avoid eating iodized salt.
Hypothyroidism patients need to be under the guidance of the doctor scientific diet.

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