Does it matter if the new crown is weakly positive?

New Crown Weak Positive is important if New Crown Antigen Nucleic Acid Test and New Crown Antibody IgM Weak Positive; New Crown Antibody IgG Weak Positive is normal if people who have already received New Crown vaccine. New crown-related test results indicated as negative, positive, including the new crown antigen test and the new crown antibody test. 1. If the New Crown antigen nucleic acid test and the New Crown antibody IgM are weakly positive: it indicates that the disease may be in the incubation period and the viral load is not high, but it also suggests that the body has been infected with the virus, and that quarantine measures and treatments should be taken to try to avoid infection of the people around. For this type of people who test weakly positive, the diagnosis of neococcal pneumonia cannot be confirmed. In such cases, strict isolation is usually required and nucleic acid testing is requested. If the nucleic acid test is positive, the diagnosis of CKP can be made. 2. It is normal for people who have been vaccinated to have a weakly positive IgG antibody to the neocoronavirus. The neocoronavirus vaccine will stimulate the body to produce the corresponding antibody (i.e., IgG antibody to the neocoronavirus), which prevents neocoronavirus infection or reduces the incidence of severe disease after infection. 3. Weakly positive IgM or IgG antibodies to Neocoronavirus in unvaccinated people still suggests the possibility of Neocoronavirus infection, and nucleic acid testing is required for further clarification. 4. Due to methodological factors, there is a certain false-positive rate in both tests, so a weak positive result may also be a false-positive status. At this time, you can review the results, such as the results remain unchanged, timely report to the community or unit of the epidemic prevention department, listen to the arrangements for the next step in the treatment. Tip: In this article, “new coronavirus pneumonia” and “new coronavirus pneumonia” were renamed to “new coronavirus infection” on December 26, 2022, as announced by the National Health Commission.

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